In some countries it is traditional for men to work and for women to stay at home to look after the family. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

People from vastly different zones are more inclined to the opinion that
should stay at home for providing an education to their kids and just being
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good wife who keeps their house in clear condition.At the same time, men must work for feeding their families.I would argue
that is
just religious limitations or that case when a man wants to work and save his wife's health.I will support
view that in families
are supposed to stay at home with arguments in the following paragraphs. The majority of Muslims and others in
wave believe that if girls remain at the accommodation, they become so pretty and wonderful life partners and mothers.Actually,
statement is very beneficial for them and it can serve as a well way of being an eccentric personality.
In other words
, they will have a great chance to develop themselves in directions
as art, sport, cooking, hobbies programming and etc.Another factor contributing to the advantages of being at house is don'
losing health physically and morally as could happen in a routine lifestyle.
For instance
, it is universally accepted that annoying office jobs reduce the length of life.
, it may be a fine decision to avoid a boring and stressful workplace.
On the other hand
, that isn'
completely useful, as some
have a strong desire to be famous.Popularity is the most important thing for them.Despite the fact that in the first ,variant each woman had a possibility to improve their skills and remain modest, for a certain group of girls that isn'
satisfying enough.
For example
have to leave their family life for constructing powerful and impressive careers. To summarise, after analysing the issue, it is felt that only ladies who want to acquire extraordinary fate have to don'
stick to that idea.For others, remaining at the apartment could be a useful and wonderful declaration.
Submitted by muharodnoy on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • traditional roles
  • gender roles
  • household management
  • child rearing
  • emotional well-being
  • financial stability
  • productivity
  • gender inequality
  • personal growth
  • professional growth
  • economic dependency
  • skill atrophy
  • social isolation
  • job prospects
  • personal fulfillment
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