Nowadays, students often have to decide whether to generalize or specialize in their studies.
studying a myriad of subjects serves several great benefits, pursuing certain specialized categories would be more efficient in modern days.
essay will give the arguments for both views
deliver my own perspective on the matter.
On one hand, it is undeniable that specializing in topics at a young age unlocks many opportunities in the future, though it may cause some serious consequences in return. Concentrating on a field of study helps people master their majors,
lifting up the chances for them to pass into a good university and later even an awarding job in a prestigious company.
, when individuals approach higher education or land a new job, they will be more confident with the amount of knowledge owned.
, when an individual chooses that way, they always have to keep up with their workload, which means they will spend many years studying the topic, unintentionally ignoring others.
, without much time to experience other vital elements
as soft skills and communication, freshman or fresh graduates often find it difficult to adapt to reality.
, comprehensive education provides numerous unexpected advantages to students. Covering a lot of ground may cause pressure on individuals. Despite that, it
forces them to make every effort to meet the basis of as many topics as possible,
they can acquire various fields.
, rather than focusing on a main subject like math, if students are taught other social subjects,
, English, they will develop comprehension when they can both calculate well and communicate well with foreigners.
, limiting the ability to learn at the age of 15 would be too early as it burdens the individual to strive in some particular program of studies that sometimes will not relate to their future job and when they realize that they were wrong, it would be too late to start over. To illustrate, there are many fresh graduates who struggle to find a field that suits their ability and
, they may choose one which is not fitting for them and end up working on that unsuited topic.
In conclusion, I believe choosing to research a wide range would help people not waste too much of their years trying to determine the suitable majors rather than focusing on a specialized education system too early.
, it is still a great thing if a person knows what they like and chooses that thing to study intensively.