The illustration demonstrates the process of producing sugar which involves seven steps including growing, harvesting, crushing, purifying, evaporating, centrifuging, drying and cooling down. The procedure commenced with cultivating sugarcane which is the main raw material of
After 12-18 months of growing sugarcane, they must be harvested. Linking Words
task can be attained utilizing a machine, Linking Words
as well as
, manually. After obtaining the input, they must be washed and cut into stems. Linking Words
, they are crushed intensely through a tool and the stems are transformed into a juice.
With the intention of purifying the liquid, it is thoroughly filtered through a limestone filter. Linking Words
the cleansed juice is converted into syrup. In fact, Linking Words
specific activity is done by heating the juice with the assistance of the evaporator. The next step involves a function called ‘centrifuge’, which involves segregating the crystals from the syrup. Linking Words
, the sugar crystals are dried well and subjected to cooling down to obtain sugar.Linking Words