in their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

These days, new
try to attract new customers by using advertising and media, and claiming that their commodities are new and have better facilities than before.
, many people think that it can be negative for future development and have bad consequences. in my opinion, the ads of new goods with
statement are good and in
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I will support my opinion with examples.
, new brands should show their advantages by using slogans and good advertising
For example
, electric cars are a new type of vehicle which is not popular yet. Because many people think that
type of car is not safe and reliable.
In other words
, many are not aware of their advantages and characteristics. If new brands do not introduce their products, they will be forgotten immediately. Another reason why
should advertise in
way is that they will have an opportunity to sell their goods. There is a common belief that it is impossible to increase your profits without good ads.
For instance
, google tools and YouTube platforms encourage new brands to introduce their commodities on their web page. So, many visitors to these websites can get information about new products and buy
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, which can help in developing that company.
On the other hand
, there is an argument that some
can use untrustworthy information about their new product. Many people consider that
kind of activity should be stopped and do not
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. Take fast food as an example. They often advertise their meal as a new healthy food.
, it is really far from the truth and
, eating
kind of meal can lead to health problems. In conclusion,
it is a common belief that
should have an opportunity for advertising their products. I believe that it is essential to control the information about new commodities and check it before any ads.
Submitted by wind1y998 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • emphasise
  • advertising
  • products
  • innovation
  • competitive strategy
  • consumer dissatisfaction
  • value
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