Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugars which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

It is often argued that numerous serious
issues are caused by the huge consumption of high-level sugary
. Some people claim that the government should add a compulsory additional tax to those unhealthy
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so that consumers will decrease the demand s and desires to purchase them
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and have a healthier life. In my opinion, I completely agree with
statement and I am going to give my viewpoints in detail in the following paragraphs.
, if sugary beverages and snacks are added with high taxes can definitely lower buyers’ purchasing intentions.
, give manifold advantages to human
significantly. Because people will prefer to choose alternative foods which are able to bring a similar flavour of sweetness, lack low-priced artificial
in markets.
For example
, fruits like pineapple, strawberry, and watermelon, are the typical healthy sugar-contained options as a replacement. Without a doubt, increasing sugary foods’ price is a good measure to take care of mankind's
, without being worried about losing sweet-eating life.
, sugary foods might cause serious
problems which include many drawbacks. Curing diabetes requires a great deal of financial support.
For instance
, the medical fee can dig a big hole in one’s pocket.
In other words
, if the prices of unhealthy
remain as they used to be, it will not cost less than raising the prices in the long term,
, the medical expenses are much higher than the food prices.
As a result
, from my perspective, it is a wise choice to increase the payments for people who purchase sugary
. In conclusion, price-increased sugary
are beneficial to both
and one’s finances from a widened perspective. I agree that the advantages of lower consumers’ purchasing intentions outweigh the downsides.
Submitted by chenoocn on

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