The chart below shows what anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years.

The chart below shows what anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years.
chart depicted the employment rate of
who are enrolled in an anthropology program from one particular university.
the table illustrates data from anthropology graduates after their five years of experience at work.
, it has been seen that the majority of
successfully secure their jobs after graduation.
, the least number of
are pursuing their post-graduation program.
after five years of experience government and freelance jobs pays more than private firms. In the pie chart, more than half which is around 52% are those
who commence their jobs after graduation.
5% prefer to do part-time work plus postgrad. Meanwhile, the part-time worker and unemployed workers have a marginal difference in percentage with 15% and 12% respectively.
pursuing full-time postgrad programs and not knowing are at exactly the same 8% in each group.
On the other hand
, comparing income levels between freelance, government, and private sectors. It has been seen that the government sector offers a high income which is above 75000 dollars and in percentage terms almost 80%.
In contrast
, freelance consultants provide a modest percentage to graduates around 50000 dollars
the private sector stood at 25% a lower income category.
Submitted by msulemanm9 on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Replace the words students with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "chart" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "percentage" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "around" was used 2 times.
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