Nowadays shopping is very easy that you do not need to go there physically and buy. You can just order online and get your groceries or clothes by you do steps. You get to pay online using your device and that's it.
I totally disagree because
itsCorrect your spelling
The word its doesn’t seem to fit this context. Consider replacing it with a different one.
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better to view a product physically than by online services. You don't get to see the exact text of the item you want to buy. Sometimes you get
wrongCorrect article usage
It seems that there is an article usage problem here.
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sizes or
wrongCorrect article usage
It seems that there is an article usage problem here.
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product which you enquire
thenLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
you have
exchangeFix the infinitive
It seems that the use of particle to may be incorrect here.
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or returned which might be
time consumingAdd a hyphen
It appears that time consuming is missing a hyphen. Consider adding the hyphen(s).
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. You will have to go by yourself to exchange or wait for the collection. They
isChange the verb form
It appears that the subject pronoun They and the verb is are not in agreement. Consider changing the verb.
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no quality check of yourself.
Shopping directly to the shop has
a lotsCorrect the article-noun agreement
The indefinite article a may not be required with the plural noun lots in this sentence. Consider removing the article, or changing the noun to singular.
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of advantages. You have many choices, when you are buying clothes you get to fit them to make sure that
theirCorrect pronoun usage
It seems that there is a pronoun problem here.
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are the right sizes and they fit nicely compared to online
wereCorrect your spelling
The word were doesn’t seem to fit this context. Consider replacing it with a different one.
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by Change preposition
It seems that preposition use may be incorrect here.
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you only see the advert of someone wearing it. The choice of choosing different colours, styles and patterns.
OnChange preposition
It seems that preposition use may be incorrect here.
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on Change preposition
It seems that preposition use may be incorrect here.
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observation shops will not close down anytime people want to see what they are buying,
yoCorrect your spelling
The word yo doesn’t seem to fit this context. Consider replacing it with a different one.
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have a choice not to be in the dark. Choice of going to buy fresh foods or fruits
though Correct word choice
It seems that conjunction use may be incorrect here.
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online might be convenient and saves money spent. They are people who
lovesChange the verb form
The singular verb loves does not appear to agree with the plural subject people. Consider changing the verb form for subject-verb agreement.
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going out to shops to window shop and relax.