In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without any payment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement

The internet makes people's
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so convenient that they can get
with a single click, that's why people think that in the forthcoming time, everything can be read online free of cost and they do not need to buy printed newspapers or
, I believe that online reading is a good source of course, but printed
/magazines have their own importance. The public gives a lot of reasons why nobody will buy inked
in future.
, the Internet is cheaper. The community can get any kind of
online, which is less costly as compared to
and even sometimes, it's free.
For example
, Wikipedia is a well-known website, which provides an abundance of
within milliseconds, after typing something.
, online service is convenient and portable. Nowadays, individuals travel a lot from one place to another place, so carrying a book or a newspaper is not a good option
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than smartphones, which are portable. What is more, the internet is an exact source of information. To elaborate, a person has to check every page of a book, just to get specific data related particular incident but with the help of online resources,
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can get exact information within seconds. A newspaper/magazine cannot be disappeared completely because of some advantages.
To begin
with, these provide peace of mind which is not possible online.
For instance
, an elderly person, who is not comfortable with technology will definitely purchase
or printed papers because these help to get inner peace.
, these are reliable sources for accurate information. A plethora of fake websites are present online which provide inaccurate or inappropriate data,
or newspapers are printed after a profound investigation which supplies us with correct figures. To summarise, there is nothing bad to say about the usage of online sites which can allow people to have contactless
in future but the significance of
or magazines/newspapers cannot vanish entirely.
Submitted by jaspreetkaur45047 on

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Task Response
Your essay addresses the task effectively by presenting a clear opinion and providing reasons and examples to support it. However, there are minor inaccuracies and some awkward phrasing. Try to refine your language for even greater clarity and sophistication.
Coherence and Cohesion
To improve coherence and cohesion, aim for smoother transitions between sentences and paragraphs. While your ideas are well-organized, refining the flow with more advanced linking words and phrases can enhance readability.
Task Response
Your essay offers a clear argument with relevant examples, demonstrating a good understanding of the topic.
Coherence and Cohesion
The structure of your essay is logical, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • digital accessibility
  • convenience
  • physical storage space
  • cost-effective
  • environmental footprint
  • sustainable
  • quality and authenticity
  • editorial processes
  • digital divide
  • reliable internet access
  • information dissemination
  • consumer preferences
  • economic impact
  • printing industry
  • subscription services
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