In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, business tends to highlight new variants of their commodities. In my opinion, it occurs because they want to increase profit-making sales, but I believe that
causes negative sides. The main reason why companies broadcast interesting advertisements and claim that their products are new is that they want public attention quickly
as well as
the high earning. When a commercial is presented uniquely by highlighting a new variant, people tend to be curious and try to buy the stock,
for example
, food. Once a particular
has been introduced, the public usually tries to buy other products under that brand.
As a result
, the advertisement is successful to make profits. The negative sides of implementing
way are explained as follows.
it may lessen sales if the business does not prioritize quality. Nowadays, there are a ton of online reviews. Before people purchase a
, they can check whether the food is recommended or not. If their production is not good enough, they probably get one star and directly slow the income. A brand is sometimes failed to maintain the
because the customers just want to know the viral one. After they meet that the taste is not amazing as the advertisement, they can easily forget it.
society is likely to lose precious cultural food. One of the identical traditional cakes in Gresik, Indonesia is Leker.
, it is quite difficult to find a snack after the Crepes stalls flourish in malls. In conclusion, advertising can be seen as a marketing strategy to promote a
. But, it
addressed some problems.
Submitted by alfinkarimah008 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • emphasise
  • advertising
  • products
  • innovation
  • competitive strategy
  • consumer dissatisfaction
  • value
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