It is often believed that people have to pay the tax on cars they own, so the government can get rid of the traffic issues on the roads and make public transportation convenient.
essay will discuss the pros and cons of the development made by the official bodies.
On the one hand, tax imposition on the locals who can afford a personal vehicle can provide sufficient funds to the country to build infrastructure for metros and railways, these means of transport will provide relief to the lower-class, in Linking Words
age of inflation. Linking Words
For instance
, all around the UK people use public transport, not because they cannot afford cars, but because it saves them time and money . Linking Words
In other words
, using buses and metros to travel is one of the similarities in all the developed countries. Linking Words
, encouraging its use can be beneficial for developing countries as well.
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On the other hand
, by imposing heavy taxes on vehicles it becomes difficult for any middle-class individual to enjoy the luxury of owning a car, which can be unfair to those who live in areas far from the cities and do not have access to local buses . Linking Words
For instance
, if someone lives 15km away from the station, there is no way to make it to work or university every day on time without feeling exhausted even before starting the day. Linking Words
As a result
, Linking Words
affects the progress and efficiency of individuals.
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To conclude
, where taxes can be of benefit to the nation and a certain group of folks, but those who face the drawbacks of these policies must not be ignored. Linking Words
, extreme measures are not good for a country which is already surviving to exist , so rules should be flexible to meet personal needs.Linking Words