University education should be restricted to the very best academic students, rather than being available to a large proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Higher educational programs after school should be limited to the rank holders
others should have very limited access to them. I completely disagree with
statement as education is the key factor to getting a good lifestyle. More people will be employed as education is the key factor in getting employed and a higher literacy rate helps a country to develop.
, Nowadays many jobs require an individual to have completed undergraduate studies in their respective field of employment.
For example
, recent studies showed that a person with a degree is more likely to get employed in highly populated countries like India than a non-degree holder. Owing to the degree requirements set up by most employers, it is necessary that every individual get higher education.
, Higher studies help to get more job opportunities.
, Educating youth not only helps a country to reduce the unemployment rate but
to grow more.
For example
, developed nations
as the United States of America and the United Kingdom have very high literacy rates.
many other factors contributed to the development of these nations;
the number of educated youth is the prime element.
, more youngsters should be able to get higher learning.
To conclude
, a significant number of youth should have access to higher learning after graduating from school. In my opinion,
would benefit both the country
as well as
individuals to excel in their life.
, Universities should have a tier system that will allow scholars to get admitted to certain high-tier colleges.
Submitted by harshbhardwaj155 on

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