Air and water pollution is tremendously increasing specifically in the countries that are trying to boost the growth economically to attain a better rank on a global scale. These parts of the world have tried to accommodate more industries which is one of the major causes of decreasing the quality of the environment.
, the emission and disposal of misuse are not properly regulated
asCorrect word choice
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production areas are not well planned. In order to solve
problem, the government needs to revise the industrial laws.
, one of the main reasons is the waste from the factories is usually disposed of in the water bodies which has affected the life near it. Certainly, the harmful chemicals from rubbish enter the ecosystem leading the detrimental problems like lead poisoning, killing marine life etc.
WorldCorrect article usage
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Health Organization, the fish ingested lead remains in its body as it is not digested, considerably, humans consuming seafood have a high content of
chemicals. It has led to many health concerns for people,
, to solve the problem,the government should regulate the waste management system and the disposal should be closely monitored,
, the companies who do not obey should be fined heavily.
, another major contributor is the fumes emitted from the chimneys of these businesses contain many dangerous substances like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide etc. which
retainWrong verb form
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back to the earth's surface by acid rain, eventually causing skin diseases and poisoning in some cases. The consequences of acid rain are not limited to individuals as it tends to harm the entire atmosphere which could be easily seen by the yellowing marble which was once white of one of the seven wonders on the Earth namely The Taj Mahal.
, the ideal solution is to set up the warehouses should be away from the housing and in the region where there is a low population.
, public authorities should not grant permission to operate
to the industries that release these chemicals into the air.
In conclusion, rushing towards more and more production units has caused adverse effects on both air and water. The disposal of garbage and emissions of fumes is the major culprits of these issues.
, authorities should restrict certain activities
laws related to them should be made.