All cars that burn fossil fuels should be banned and electric cars should replace them. Do you agree or disagree?

According to
the passage, all fuel-based wagons should be banned and electric wagons can take a replacement.
, I would agree with that as I believe electric vehicles are environmentally friendly and economical.
To begin
with, a motor which utilises electricity rather than combusting gasoline, can be beneficial for healthy status.
, it prevents air pollution and provides us with healthy surroundings in terms of living and
as well as
for working.
, a pollution-free climate makes inhabitants better like animals and plants. As we are more dependent on these living things so from other perspectives, our food would be healthier.
For instance
, electric vehicles do not produce smoke
it would be easier to ride a bike in a good climate. On the same side, electric vehicles
provide the solution of saving cost, because petrol is very expensive nowadays in comparison to electricity, so it is better to go for an alternate method, as it would affect on demand for petrol,
we can use fuel in other heavy machines for running an engine, and we can reduce cost if we would have less supply.
as, in Pakistan, there is a lot of shortage of fuel and it is difficult to run any vehicle in these circumstances. Electric automobiles could be a better solution to avoid these conditions and to live an economical life In Conclusion, where transport plays a vital role in the contamination of the atmosphere, I would definitely go with
electric automobile to prevent the environment from these hazards and spend an economical life.
Submitted by niteshkhan65 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • fossil fuels
  • emissions
  • air pollution
  • greenhouse gases
  • climate change
  • sustainable
  • renewable
  • electric vehicles
  • battery technology
  • charging infrastructure
  • range anxiety
  • government support
  • incentives
  • subsidies
  • renewable energy
  • environmental impact
  • energy efficiency
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