IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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all vehicles that produce flammable fossil gas should be restricted and electric vehicles should substitute them. In my opinion, I agree with the statement because electric vehicles are an investment and environmentally
All cars that burn fossil fuels should be banned and electric cars should replace them. Do you agree or disagree?
In today's era, one major problem forces everyone to discuss that diesel and petrol-based cars should prohibited, and battery cars can be involved as alternatives. Environmental issues could be one of the reasons behind
In this fast-paced era, automobiles have become an irreplaceable part of our lives.Whether or not conventional fuel-burning cars should be banned is inevitably a debatable issue. However, I insistently agree that electr
People should use electric cars instead of cars that use petrol. I strongly agree with that for many reasons which are electric cars environmentally friendly and cheaper than petrol cars.
Some people believe that vehicles which burn fossil fuels must be dispensed with car electric. In my opinion, I completely agree with the statement because it is cost-effective and non-environmentally friendly.
Every vehical that produce fossile fuels should be restricted and replace with electrically powered vehical. I agree, now a days, electric vehical are coming up with effordable price, despite that electric cars are also
There is a pressing environmental problem related to the atmospheric pollution and according to the concerning authorities, the major factor associated with it is the consumption of cars which operated mainly on fossil f
Nowadays, the question of replacement cars, that use traditional fuels, with electromobile become a field for debates. For me, personally, the answer is quite simple, I strongly disagree with the idea of banning original
In response to the escalating environmental crisis, there is an increasingly urgent call to transition from fossil fuel-powered vehicles to electric cars. The extraction and consumption of fossil fuels pose significant e
These days, electric vehicles are slowly replacing fossil fuel-powered vehicles. I agree with the statement. Traditional vehicles cause air pollution, which can impact global warming, and fossil fuels are not sustainable
Some individuals argue that using electric cars is the best way to stop the cars that are using fossil fuels. I think using electric cars has several advantages for people such as reducing carbon emissions and healthy ci
Electric cars are well-known for their little impact on the environment and therefore some might assume that they ought to substitute all combustible vehicles. Personally, I agree with the statement but feel that one ma
All vecihle emit fossil fuels into the air so the government should be prohibited as well as battery-powered vehicles replace them. I fully agree with this statement because nowadays, the consumption of cars is increas
Every vehicle that using gasoline should not be allowed and replaced by cars with green energy.
Facing the current world’s concern related to the environmental issues, vehicles which make use of oil-based combustible should be replaced by electric cars. This essay totally agrees with this position, as far as dioxid
In the modern era, electric vehicles are becoming more famous between people. While some groups believe they should completely replace gasoline ones, I disagree that and think both of them has their own upsides and drawb
It is thought by many that all cars that use fossil fuels ought to be prohibited and replaced by electric cars. In my opinion, I disagree with such a view because there are alternative eco-friendly fuels for combustion e
It is thought by many that all cars that use fossil fuels ought to be prohibited and replaced by electric cars. In my opinion, I disagree with such a view because there are alternative eco-friendly fuels for combustion e
There is an ongoing debate about whether vehicles running on fossil fuels should be banned. Some state that they must be replaced by electric cars. In my opinion, all vehicles burning nonrenewable fuel sources should be
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