Some think that instead of preventing climate change, we must learn to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree

I strongly hold the view that all individuals in the world should consider our future.
of getting used to
change, we should think about how we can protect our nature. In
essay, I will provide more detail from my perspective. As we all know, the number of folks has been increasing day by day so the rising number of humans bring some drawback.
For instance
, If we compare the present with the past, unfortunately, the world which we live in has been losing its natural beauty.
According to
change will affect us deeply in the near future. At
point, We have to find a way to avoid
issue. Throughout the course of thousands of years, the ecosystem of our planet has renewed itself to reach its tremendous balance system
we did not understand its importance. we are faced with countless problems
as a lack of water, extremely high temperatures, and
forest fires, and the melting of glaciers. One of the main steps which should be done is to plant trees. After
we should use some kind of chemical gases less to avoid greenhouse gases.
Due to
our extreme methods of using non-renewable sources animals who live in climates are on the edge of extinction.
is all directly related to
change. In a nutshell, we have to protect the world in which we live for future generations.
would be the better choice for us because as I mentioned before, the
has a significantly vital role in our lives.
of living with problems we can solve the all problems as a government and the public. I firmly believe that we can leave a better life for our children.
Submitted by celilkilic on

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