The given illustration provides data on the process of creating fizzy drinks.
, it could be clearly observed that the procedure consists of numerous complicated stages which are all vital in making the required outcome. It is seen that only five basic steps are shown.
In the first Linking Words
, raw water goes through a filter, and afterwards, meets a water softener, where the chemicals are divided. Use synonyms
, after undergoing into and out of a pump, electric heaters will be on the way Linking Words
to begin
the second Linking Words
, which basically includes evaporation and carbonation.
After carbon dioxide is allocated, carboned water is transmitted into a mixing tank where the third Use synonyms
takes place. In that location, colour, syrup and flavour are added to the substance. At the penultimate Use synonyms
, the filtering and filling of the prepared product occur, and the Use synonyms
step is packaging, Linking Words
as well as
the transportation of the off-the-shelf liquid refreshments to various supermarkets.Linking Words