Money spent on space exploration is a complete waste. Government could better spend this money on other things to benifit the nation. to what extent do you agree or disagree.

Nowadays, some countries allocate a considerable amount of budget for research in the universe. There are polarized views regarding
matter some argue that it is important to use
money for other areas which are beneficial to the nation. But these technological advancements are being successfully utilised by other sectors
as telecommunications and meteorology and it's really helpful for day-to-day life.In
essay, I am going to discuss how space exploration benefits human beings. On the one hand, some countries like USA, Russia and China are spending eye-watering amounts of capital on outer planet research.But a large number of people in their population are suffering from poor. They are totally dependent on state subsidies.If rulers are able to invest money to alleviate poverty
of space odyssey it may directly impact on country's economy.
For example
,in the USA more than ten million people totally depend on government food banks at the same time they spending billions of dollars on subjective programs. If they can convert that fund to investing in poverty eradication it may directly impact their economy in a positive way.
On the other hand
, there is significant competition can see among countries in order to achieve success in space exploration.
As a result
of that, dramatic development has occurred in a particular field. These massive advancements are directly combined with other fields
as telecommunication and meteorology. Development of these fields are provide greater advantages for human life.
For instance
, a recently launched star-link satellite system provides internet facilities in each and every corner of the world in the cheapest way.
, it provides valuable data which helped to predict metrological forecasts.
I strongly believe that
kind of money investment is not a waste it makes convenience in human life. In conclusion, someone
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that budgetary allocation to searching beyond the planet is a total waste.
According to
my point of view,
kind of investment helps to develop other sectors which provide more advantages for people.
I strongly disagree with that claim.
Submitted by priyanthaj309 on

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