The chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years. Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where revelant.

The chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years.

Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where revelant.
The pie chart illustrates what kinds of work students studying Anthropology take after their under-graduation and the table presents the salaries of people who work as an anthropologist after a 5-year period.
It is clear that
most of the pupils have full-time tasks,
the opposite was true for part-time jobs and postgrad study.
, most learners earn 100000$+ in freelance consultants and the government sector,
it is true for private companies with payments of 50000$-75000$. As can be seen, full-time careers are recorded to be at the top of the list with 52%, compared to only 5% of half-time jobs and postgrad learning. Meanwhile, the proportion of unemployment
together with
part-time occupations stood at 12% and 15% respectively.
, full-time postgrad studying shares the same fraction with other unknown careers at 8%. Regarding the wages after 5 years' work, there are 40% of freelance consultants earn from 75000$ to 99999$, which is equal to those obtaining over 100000$. About half of the government sectors receive over 100000$, in comparison with just 5% of those making under 50000$.
By contrast
, most employees who perform for private companies gain from 50000$ to 75000$ as the figure for those was 35%, followed by those who get over 100000$ with 30%.
Submitted by danphamngocha on

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