many manufactured food and drink products contaion high level of sugar, which causes many health problems. sugar products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. do you agree or disagree?

Health is the first and foremost priority of everyone. Healthcare has a very important place in the planning of individuals
as well as
the country's budget. Diabetes is a very common health problem worldwide and has got a big share in the public health system. It is often linked to the unreasonable use of sugar . Obesity,
on the other hand
, is
one of the outcomes of
intake. A lot of
think that increasing the price of sugar will help,
, I believe that educating our society about it will give better results. First of all, just putting a high tag price will not stop many
from buying it. Good food is one of the prime choices of
and they are ready to spend large bucks on it .
For example
still buy many famous chocolates that are very expensive now after the government has imposed heavy taxes on imports.
, it can be said that only making it out of pocket reach will not decrease its use.
, society, in general, now is more educated and understands the importance of healthy intake and lifestyle.
, they are better candidates for thorough knowledge about the side effects of its usage. Individuals in
modern world are better convinced through reasoning so authorities should start proper campaigning about it.
For instance
, food authorities can run ads on television and in newspapers reflecting the negative impact of sugar. In conclusion, I would like to say that making it unapproachable to certain classes will only create chaos in the population and
, it will not going to help in the long term.
In contrast
, if all healthcare workers and legislators come forward and try to teach its disastrous effects on our lives, we can get more pronounced results.
Submitted by Maj on

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