The diagram illustrates the process of the cycle of the water, characterized by the movement above and below the surface.
, there are 4 main steps, beginning in the ocean and finishing through precipitation and the accumulation of water in specific areas like lakes or the ocean.
Looking at the diagram in detail, we can see that the evaporation caused because of the increment of the temperature is the main way the vapour of H20 is created. In fact, approximately 80% of Linking Words
vapour comes from the ocean. Following the cycle, the vapour is Linking Words
transformed into clouds.
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On the other hand
, the evaporation goes once again to the surface of the earth through precipitation. Precipitation is going to accumulate big quantities of H20 liquid in lakes or open waters with groundwater that lets the liquid move to the sea through the intrusion. When water is accumulated there the process can start again.Linking Words