Dear Manager,
I hope to see you good in health. I am writing
letter to highlight a major issue of the parking space. The employees working in Linking Words
organization are facing a lot of problems Linking Words
due to
the less area allocated for vehicles.
After careful consideration, I am taking the initiative of contacting you through an official channel. I have a few suggestions for solving the current issue. At the backside of the building, there are a lot of open areas available, the administration can look into and think of converting the space for placing transport mediums.
There is another option of requesting a paid space from the nearby buildings. Linking Words
step would be helpful for the workers in getting a secure place.
I appreciate the time you have spent reading the request. I am pretty sure that you will put in efforts for solving the hot issue Linking Words
that is
being faced by staff, nowadays.
Thank You for your kind consideration.
Yours Sincerely
Employer 1Linking Words