Number of
who less socializing and do not know their nearest
residentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
has grown over the past few years due
theChange preposition
show examples
increasing of technology and social
are preferChange the verb form
show examples
to talk using a
chattingReplace the word
show examples
application or by reaching their friends on social
and chatting
applicationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are the modern technologies that help many
era. Some
of Change preposition
show examples
individuals can reach others that
unreachableAdd a missing verb
show examples
walkWrong verb form
show examples
or car. Even
toughCorrect your spelling
show examples
there is a distance
moreChange preposition
show examples
than a hundred
kilometersChange the spelling
show examples
, chatting
applicationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
as Whatsapp, make us feel close because they have a video call feature. Using
can keep in touch
eachChange preposition
show examples
, when some
busyAdd a missing verb
show examples
to reach out their far
relationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
don't realize to say hello
withChange preposition
show examples
the nearest
around them,
instanceAdd the comma(s)
show examples
neighborsChange the spelling
show examples
. Spend much time
to Change preposition
show examples
scrolling social
to talk with many
in cyberspace, make some individuals feel enough to communicate with others. Some
think their online friends are enough for them to
their social life. It will give an impact that some
think they don't need
a new friendsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
in their real life. But, it will be different when the
in their environment can build
a Correct article usage
show examples
good communication around their house.
, in some
neighborhoodsChange the spelling
show examples
in Indonesia
as Yogyakarta. We can meet that many
neighborsChange the spelling
show examples
are cohesive and get along together.
happenedChange the verb form
show examples
because the
in every area, and the leader of the
can organize many plans like
competitionCorrect article usage
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
Indonesia Independence Day, meeting every week in one of
memberCorrect article usage
show examples
house, and
helpWrong verb form
show examples
othersChange to a singular noun
show examples
one of their
memberChange to a plural noun
show examples
haveChange the verb form
show examples
a wedding or cemetery. Those solutions really help
to know
more Correct quantifier usage
show examples
each other, and feel they need their
neighborsChange the spelling
show examples
to live comfortably.
In conclusion, the
and the leader of the
must encourage their member to
activeAdd a missing verb
show examples
in some of
activitiesAdd an article
show examples
that their make. They
need to ask
toChange preposition
show examples
suggestionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for making the
life better.