It has been argued that it is better to allocate much more governmental budgets
onChange preposition
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railwaysChange the noun form
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systems in comparison with
.I strongly disagree with
statement and through
I will justify my opinion.
It is totally beneficial that government should spend money on
to provide more convenient means of public transportation.the first positive
relates to its safety.Because travelling via train is a well-known mode of commuting among nations.Not only it gives much more convenience to passengers , but
the cost is pretty affordable.So more people tend to utilize
way of transporting .
demands for
railwayCorrect article usage
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system will be increased.
, in my town ,Tehran,
subwayAdd an article
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system has been providing thousands of trips a day and an upward trend regarding using
railwayCorrect article usage
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witnessedAdd a missing verb
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,railway systems would have less detrimental effects on
Correct article usage
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.There are plenty of trains across my country which use solar energy as an alternative .
less carbon emission ,
lessCorrect word choice
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carbon dioxide will harm our planet.
,there are some drawbacks in terms of spending public money on
.obviously, owing to
lackCorrect article usage
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of coverage of
system ,some areas across the cities and countries might not have the
of utilizing
meanFix the agreement mistake
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some geographical
it is impossible to expand
in certain areas.
it mountainous
,mostly located in
westernAdd an article
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part of my country,
no access to trains at all.
it is essential to provide
in those certain areas.
are the best option for those individuals tending to travel and transfer via their private vehicles.Because
the beliveCorrect your spelling
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that it is time-consuming to use trains and they consider it as a futile
meanFix the agreement mistake
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In conclusion , based on
Correct article usage
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trend of a certain region government should come to
conclusionCorrect article usage
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expansionAdd an article
the expansion
an expansion
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.I personally believe that
are the first
individualsChange to a genitive case
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preference in terms of commuting and
governmentAdd an article
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should spend money on