Sleep deprivation has spread among human beings.
issues caused by it
declineCorrect article usage
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In mental health,
decreaseAdd an article
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples
. To
it increase
the Correct article usage
show examples
awareness among the
of society, doing exercises. Less quality sleep is one of the biggest issues we face in the 21st century.
, it
leadChange the verb form
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
of our brains, especially
fromChange preposition
show examples
Youth who are
atChange preposition
show examples
their eighteens and
Research papers show that youth at
age are suffering from
disease. To explain, It is a disease that makes people
imaginingWrong verb form
show examples
seeingWrong verb form
show examples
Some things that are not true just depend on their
prospectivesCorrect your spelling
show examples
in the world will decline as our brains are not working. at a suitable way. The first solution to
situation is to
makesChange the verb
show examples
People pay attention to their sleep. , because
with outCorrect your spelling
show examples
it the
wordCorrect your spelling
show examples
will suffer.
is by bringing our
Change noun form
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children'sChange noun form
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
birth to have proper sleep,
Correct word choice
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makingCorrect word choice
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a daily routine
Change preposition
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toChange preposition
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them. For
Fix the agreement mistake
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examplesFix the agreement mistake
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parents academically mother ought to make a night shower daily routine for
Correct pronoun usage
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herCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
baby, so he will go to a
Replace the word
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deeplyChange the word
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sleep easily.
more overCorrect your spelling
show examples
when they become
schoolsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
age, parents should
Fix the infinitive
show examples
to Verb problem
show examples
make them
Wrong verb form
show examples
goingWrong verb form
show examples
to the gym
doingWrong verb form
show examples
exercises .
of the community members will boom again. In conclusion, poor quality sleep has become one of the most popular problems in all the houses in the societies, leading to less
and more Allen's to associate with.
situation, we must work on increasing
knowledgeCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
practicingChange the spelling
show examples
any physical work activities.