The chart below give information abourt the people use public library and remain reasons to visit in Britain in 1991 in 2000.

The chart below give information abourt the people use public library and remain reasons to visit in Britain in 1991 in 2000.
The given pie chart shows key data on the number of people who use the library for many purposes in Britain in 1991 and 2000.
, we can see that the main reason to visit in 1991 and 2000 has a lot of differences a majority of visitors come to the library to borrow or restore
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book in both years.
, in 2000, four reasons in 1991 decreased . At the same
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there is the appearance of borrow or rebound videos . Looking at the figures in the
percentage of borrow and entry book is the highest with 65% but the amount went down by 10% to 55% in 2000.
society who obtain information and study are the same about accounting with 10% in 1991. After the obtain in formation is maximized 20%
the population come to the library to study is come down only with 2% in 2000. Turning to the remaining statistic ,there is 15% of the public read newspapers or magazines in 1991 After the data numbers show us only 5%.
In addition
,in 2000 ,there was a change that appeared the borrow or arrival videos with 18%
it isn't appear in 1991

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