the chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the uk, divided into three categories, from 19985- 2002. summarize the information and make comparisons where relevant. write at least 150 words.

the chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the uk, divided into three categories, from 19985- 2002. summarize the information and make comparisons where relevant. write at least 150 words.
The bar graph enumerates the summed minutes of phone calls in the UK,in three different sectors between 1985 and 2002.
, the time people communicate through mobiles, national and international fixed lines increased throughout the surveyed period,
at the same time, the local fixed line remained unchanged. From a very low start of less than 5
in 1995, the duration the UK residents used wireless means went up slowly to triple in 1999, before skyrocketing to hit the peak of 45
minutes in 2002. Sharing the same tendency, the utilization of global fixed phones
witnessed a steady rise from under 40
to one and a half times
at the end
of the duration. In terms of provincial wired devices, the use time of
type recorded a climb from 72
at first to the all-time highest of 90
in the middle of the duration.
was followed by a downtrend in the rest of the observed years and
statistic finished at its initial point of 72
Submitted by nhatducmo on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words billion with synonyms.
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