An increasing number of people are choosing to have cosmetic surgery in order to improve their appearance. Why are more people choosing to have operation to change the way they look? Do you think this a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

A growing majority of individuals in today's culture decide to have cosmetic
in order to enhance their physical
some might argue that
is a negative development, I consider that having cosmetic
can improve a
's quality of life. People may improve their sense of self-worth and confidence by taking better care of their bodies, which can result in a happier outlook on life. In the first place, people wish to alter their
for a variety of reasons. The pressure from society to live up to frequently unachievable ideals of beauty is one factor.
, in an attempt to fit in, many feel pressured to match the ideals of beauty that the media presents. Addressing physical flaws that make people feel dissatisfied with their
is another concern.
For example
, someone with a crooked nose can decide to have a rhinoplasty to straighten it out and feel better about how they look.
, cosmetic
may elevate a
's quality of life by boosting their dignity and sense of self-assurance. A
is more likely to feel comfortable about themselves when they are happy with the way they are perceived. A woman who has breast augmentation,
for instance
, can feel more confident about their
and engage in activities they had previously shied away from because they were insecure.
, by lowering anxiety associated with physical traits, these surgeries may help improve one's particular mental health. Cosmetic
carries certain potential dangers,
as the risk of complications during the procedure.
, these threats can be reduced by selecting a skilled surgeon and setting reasonable expectations for the results.
, it's critical to understand that cosmetic
shouldn't be used as a band-aid treatment for primary emotional issues. In conclusion,
some might see plastic
as undesirable, I think it can change a
's level of contentment. Making an informed decision is crucial, just like with any medical procedure. The decision to get cosmetic
should ultimately be a personal one
that is
carefully thought through, considering both the advantages and disadvantages.
Submitted by acaitaz on

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task achievement
The essay demonstrates a fair understanding of the task and presents opinions on the topic, but could benefit from a more detailed exploration of the reasons behind why more people are choosing cosmetic surgery. A balanced view that compares both positive and negative aspects would enhance the response.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, with an appropriate structure. However, to improve cohesion, consider varying your connecting words and phrases to guide the reader more smoothly between ideas. Using a wider range of cohesive devices can enhance the readability and logical flow.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Idealized beauty standards
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Advancements in medical technology
  • Socially acceptable
  • Self-improvement
  • Psychological well-being
  • Competitive workforce
  • Youthful appearance
  • Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
  • Physical appearance
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