The supplied bar chart above represents the data about people living in rural, urban and town who born in Australia or outside of state between 1995 and 2010.

The supplied bar chart above represents the data about people living in rural, urban and town who born in Australia or outside of state between 1995 and 2010.
The bar graph illustrates the number of people in and outside Australia who lived in rural areas, townships and cities in 1995 and 2010.
, large masses opted for the urban range for residency
the least people were in municipalities in the former year and these numbers got even more higher for the metropolis and lower for the other two in 2010. It is clear from the pictorial that half of the Australian population was in urban
the other half was in towns and rural areas
, 60 per
of outsiders chose downtown in 1995.
, the figure increased in 2010 for both Australian citizens
as well as
for outsiders. As per
of urban space increased , the graph does down for municipalities and villages. In 2010, there was the same percentage of Australian citizens in towns and villages which was just above 10. Till 2010, 80 per
of the common masses preferred to stay in big capital and only less than 10 per
remained in towns and rural areas.
Submitted by shavidhillain on

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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Replace the words cent with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "graph" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "increased" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Demographics
  • Migration patterns
  • Population distribution
  • Rural
  • Urban
  • Town
  • Native-born
  • Foreign-born
  • Growth rate
  • Settlement patterns
  • Residential categories
  • Urbanization
  • Infrastructure
  • Economic opportunities
  • Lifestyle preferences
  • Residential mobility
  • Urban planning
  • Governmental policies
  • Community impact
  • Data analysis
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