Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects at university in many countries. Why is this? What effects does this have on society?

In recent years, it has been reported that the number of college students enrolled in
courses decreased over time. There are several causes why
is the case
as well as
potential consequences for the community.
To begin
with, the primary reason that diverts scholar’s attention is that there are various interesting careers these days. In the past, careers related to scientific fields offered numerous income opportunities when compared to other jobs, resulting in the influx of
learners to many institutions.
, there are other jobs which offer a large earning rate to their employees
as business or movie production fields in present days.
due to
the difficulty of understanding scientific theory which requires large amounts of time to learn, many individuals tend to apply to other qualifications which may use creativity or critical thinking skills
As a result
, there will be various drawbacks to different nations in the future. Lack of
proficiency in individuals may lead to lower innovation as there could be less scientific
which could be beneficial for the country’s development. A good example of
is medicine
, which could help numerous people from serious diseases or viruses. If there is a spread of the virus
as well as
COVID-19 in the future but there are fewer scientists, the vaccines for curing patients infected virus will be slowly developed, leading to a higher death rate than in the past.
, economic impact is another consequence of
trend, particularly the countries that rely on technological advancement as they may lose competitive edge in the global arena.
For example
, a lack of fresh ideas from engineers in Germany may cause the country to lose the competition with China which creates lots of innovation
as electrical vehicles in the modern world. In conclusion,
it is clear that
the education trend has changed these days. There are many undoubted reasons why students consider attending other fields
as they prefer utilizing critical thinking or creative skills. Because of
issue, there could be a lack of scientific
which can impact to country, especially the economic and healthcare sectors as
is beneficial for various people.
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • deter
  • promotion
  • opportunities
  • role models
  • lucrative
  • employment
  • gender stereotypes
  • societal norms
  • access to information
  • technological stagnation
  • shortage
  • skilled professionals
  • innovation
  • healthcare sector
  • workforce
  • global competitiveness
  • advancements
  • economic growth
  • public health services
  • environmental sciences
  • combat climate change
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