Some argue that the climate change is an issue. Do you agree that?

In recent years, it has been stated that climate
is causing critical problems. I personally agree with
argument and in
essay, I will explain the reasons for my view. When the weather changes, it will affect the habitats of
as they may lose their living spaces or they are going to have difficulty finding food. In
are forced to immigrate to places that are suitable for them to live. In some cases, they even may disappear since they can not find food or the new habitats do not match their behaviours.
As a result
, the biodiversity is going to
and face extinction of some
For instance
, white bears have to live on the polar side.
Due to
warmer temperatures and melting ice of the polar, these bears are losing their homes and are in endanger of extinction.
, climate
has deleterious effects on humans too. When patterns of the weather
, there may be destructive storms or flooding rains.
As a result
, some parts of the earth become empty
the population of other parts increases. In
situation, there may be over-populated places as
causes a shortage of food resources and other facilities in areas near these places.
For instance
, a gigantic storm called Alpha Storm hit the north of Iran and the majority of homes were destroyed.
, residents of these cities relocated their houses and went to nearby cities.
As a result
, the price of vegetables and fruits doubled because of the new demand in the market. In conclusion, I believe that climate
will have deleterious effects on animal inhabitants and human life as
will face extinction and humans will have difficulty with their daily needs.
Submitted by zbafshar92 on

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