One of the widely discussed topics nowadays is exploring
the Correct article usage
show examples
kind of
missionsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are contributeWrong verb form
show examples
hugeAdd an article
show examples
amount of resources, which
ledWrong verb form
show examples
to disputes about the need
ofChange preposition
show examples
researchesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Now people are beginning to realize that Earth have numerous
of Change preposition
show examples
problems which
demand attention. Today
for reducing the
numbersFix the agreement mistake
show examples
exploreChange the verb form
show examples
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
I tend to think that our planet
haveChange the verb form
show examples
big troubles which humanity
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
to fix to transfer outside of it.
it is well known that
scalesCorrect article usage
show examples
of ecological issues
inChange preposition
show examples
Earth are remarkably huge. It means that in
findingsCorrect article usage
show examples
of convenient places in
galaxyAdd an article
show examples
, we can
lostChange the verb form
show examples
our planet. One of the behind
massive pollution. Every year around
surfaceCorrect article usage
show examples
of the ground is polluted by chemical toxins which destroys
ecosystemsCorrect article usage
show examples
that Correct determiner usage
show examples
places with
extinctionAdd an article
show examples
of flora and fauna. A good case in point is
"BlackCorrect article usage
show examples
pointCapitalize word
show examples
of Pacific Ocean" where
rubbishesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
the world
collectedAdd a missing verb
show examples
by flows and made
hugeCorrect article usage
show examples
island which is bigger than
wholeCorrect article usage
show examples
FranceChange preposition
show examples
accident approximately
one tenthAdd a hyphen
show examples
of marine
lives areWrong verb form
show examples
died. It seems a not big amount, but in
caseCorrect article usage
show examples
PacificCorrect article usage
show examples
oceanCapitalize word
show examples
it means millions of
fishesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, turtles and plants.
The natureCorrect article usage
show examples
is the first thing which humanity
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
protectWrong verb form
show examples
, in
capitalisticCorrect article usage
show examples
there is a significant number of problems in society. In
other wordChange the wording
show examples
, in poor
the high level of
, hunger and
crime killingAdd a hyphen
show examples
rules of humanism. If the finances
for space projects
will provide to supportingWrong verb form
show examples
poorer states, it is undeniable that society would develop faster than ever.
In conclusion, taking everything mentioned into account in my final analysis I can say that missions to explore space are hugely
. It would be better
,Remove the comma
show examples
thisCorrect determiner usage
show examples
resources will
spendWrong verb form
show examples
forChange preposition
show examples
solutionAdd an article
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on EarthCorrect your spelling
show examples