The pictorial diagram exemplifies the comparison of the floor plan of the existing versus the upcoming renovation to be done in the municipal centre.
, as we can see the government building will undergo a drastic change after the change in floor plan and design. Linking Words
, the Concert Hall and the Shopping Center will remain constant as the earlier meanwhile, shifting the Council Office and the Exhibition Hall.
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, the facility of the Car Parking will be replaced with the new Theatre Facility. Linking Words
, the Car Parking will be rebuilt perpendicular to the Concert Hall and ,Linking Words
parking will be upgraded as Open Parking and Underground parking. Following by, the size of the Exhibition room is minimized and will be relocated to the extreme right-hand side corner of the Avenue in place of the Library.
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, the extra Car Park will be changed into a Hotel and Restaurant consuming the same amount of place Linking Words
there will be no Library in the future.Linking Words