The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories among different age groups of residents in the UK in 2004. Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories among different age groups of residents in the UK in 2004.

Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The following bar graph illustrates data on how Britons spent their money based on their
information dates from 2004.
, it is evident that the expenditure on enjoyable activities increases as folks
In contrast
, UK citizens successfully reduced their usage of hospitality services as they kept ageing. It is worth mentioning though, that for young masses in the
bracket: 'Under 30', eating out represents a massive proportion of the way they consume their wages, with figures that roses 15%.
is followed by 'Entertainment' which takes around 7% of the young population's salary.
, between mid-30s and middle
, there's a particular increase in "food and drink" spending, the percentage certainly quadruples the numbers of those in the early stages of adulthood.
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by the time UK residents were 60,
trend had a slight rise, including a dramatic decrease in "Hotel and
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Submitted by enrique09molero on

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Common mistake: Your writing should be 150-250 words.
Vocabulary: Replace the words age with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "increases" was used 2 times.
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