The best way to solve traffic and transportation problems is to encourage people to live in cities rather than suburbs and the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Encouraging people to settle in urban
is often mentioned as the best solution for worsening congestion during peak hours. From my perspective, I firmly disagree with
To begin
, there are several reasons why I disagree with
, improving public
services, including better quality, convenient routes, and increased frequency, can encourage citizens to switch to zero-emission public transport.
Due to
improved punctuality, more people choose to travel by subway.
, banning personal vehicles downtown and implementing car-sharing and carpooling programs reduce the number of vehicles, especially during peak hours.
For example
, allowing electric taxi companies with ride-sharing functions in their booking software can reduce taxi density on the roads.
, these methods—prioritising public transport, banning personal cars, and permitting electric taxis—can reduce parking scarcity, ease congestion, and improve air quality.
, citizens may experience a lack of privacy, inconvenience, and safety concerns in crowded subways.
, there are advantages to forming smaller cities around metropolises. The primary goal of
approach is to create specialized
as industrial zones, government administrative zones, or tourism
approach reduces
density by spreading the population over larger
As a result
strategy can significantly reduce traffic bottlenecks and facilitate smoother movement during peak hours.
For example
, Hanoi's infrastructure designers are building surrounding cities, which will improve air quality and alleviate the downtown parking shortage in ways that other solutions cannot. In summary, the faster
plan is implemented, the sooner
problems will be alleviated. From these perspectives, I believe
comprehensive approach is superior.
To conclude
, enhancing public
services and exclusively allowing electric taxis in cities could mitigate traffic issues, including air pollution, congestion, and parking scarcity.
raises issues of privacy, inconvenience, and safety concerns. Ultimately, the
bottleneck problem can only be holistically addressed by relocating infrastructure to the outskirts.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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relevant specific examples
Try to provide more specific examples or evidence to strengthen your arguments. For instance, you could mention specific cities that have successfully implemented public transport improvements or car-sharing programs.
complete response
While your arguments are strong and well-organized, ensure that you address potential counterarguments more thoroughly. Discussing the potential benefits of encouraging urban living could make your essay more balanced.
introduction conclusion present
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which frame your argument effectively. Your main points are logically organized and flow smoothly.
supported main points
Your essay includes well-supported main points, demonstrating a clear understanding of the topic and strong argumentation skills.
clear comprehensive ideas
Your ideas are comprehensive and clearly presented, making it easy for the reader to understand your viewpoint.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • urban sprawl
  • public transport infrastructure
  • commutes
  • residential density
  • ecological footprint
  • overcrowding
  • urban planning
  • car-sharing
  • traffic management
  • rural preservation
  • transportation policies
  • electric vehicles
  • sustainable living
  • incentivize
  • telecommuting
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