Some people think that a simpler way of life will protect the environment, while others believe that science and technology can solve environmental problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There are abundant debates about the advancement effects of technology on the world.Some individuals opine that living an uncomplicated life will safeguard the environment,
,others believe that innovation in the field of science will tackle
challenge .In forthcoming paragraphs, I will discuss both viewpoints and give
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in conclusion . To Embark,supporters of the first idea argued living a straightforward life will overcome environmental challenges.
, by analysing the earlier time, we come to know that environmental issues are very less ,as to today's era of innovation.
of using motor cars and bikes which are considered substantial habitat destruction,in short distances to commute,we can use bicycles which are environmentally friendly.
,in spite of utilizing carbon footprint
as cars which usually depend on carbon consumption ,we can
use public transport which costs less and
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. On the flip side,proponents of the latter idea believed that advancement in technology would overcome the environmental challenges.To explain,the main problem we are facing in today's world is the massive usage of
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carbon and
methane products,
as a result
, global warming,and water and air pollution are increasing consistently.Scientists have invented electric cars which are less natural reservoir consumers,
, it does have any detrimental effects on the habitat.
, scientists
struggling to find alternatives to plastic bags . In conclusion,both ideas have equal merits and standards.Living a minimalist life contributes to
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habitat friendly in
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term ,
in the longer
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we should work on the advancement of technology and science.
Submitted by notkhan01 on

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