Due to the development and rapid expansion of supermarkets, many small local businesses are unable to compete. Some people think that the closure of local business will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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We are in the globalisation era, chain supermarkets are thriving and developing to expand everywhere globally. The competition power of local
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less compared with worldwide companies causing the small business owners to close their work.
As a result
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, some advocates state that local communities are turning down to harm their society. I will explain the reasons why I totally disagree with
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To begin
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with, the strong purchasing power of global firms can bring merits to their
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. First of all, product diversity in the chained stores is obviously increasing. Buyers can purchase different goods from other nations and transport them to local stores in time. Residents can enjoy these items locally.
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, consumers can buy and get durians from local supermarkets.
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, durian lovers do not fly to Thailand or Malaysia if they want to eat them.
In addition
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, the purchasing costs of mass procurement can be reduced because of the greater negotiation power.
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can take the pricing advantages from these big companies.
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, the selling price of imported noodles in chain supermarkets is cheaper than local groceries with
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higher selling price. It is more attractive for the
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who are sensitive to the pricing. Meanwhile, local
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survive if their
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are unique and sell products with higher quality. Vegetables are easier to turn bad if it is not cooked in time. From crop harvesting to selling to
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, the intervals have to be shorter as they can keep them fresh.
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, greenery leaf vegetables can keep fresh within 1 week. If not, it is harmful to the human body. Another point is about the unique accessories designed by the designer. Before they are prominent, a designed product has to be designated and able to attract their consumers to purchase.
To sum up
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, global
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can bring more benefits
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as a diversity of items and lower selling prices to their
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. Local
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have their values if they can present their products’ uniqueness and high standards.

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