The bar graph displays females between 16 and 25 in a specific nation who would rather watch or participate in several sports.
, four out of six of the sports in the graph are more watched than participated. The other significant feature is that Tennis has the greatest difference in the percentage of people who prefer watching and participating.
Tennis had a proportion of 60% of women that prefer watching, triple that of gymnastics in third place, which only had a percentage of 20%. Basketball was in second place with approximately 55% watching it, Golf’s value was twice as much as the lowest in 2005, namely badminton and horse riding and racing, which only had a percentage of around 5%.
Tennis participation rate was half of the proportion of those that prefer watching, ranking Linking Words
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basketball had a similar rate, which was 50%, which was the most participated sport. Linking Words
, badminton participants doubled the watching individuals, with nearly 11%, the two sports with the least participants are gymnastics and horse riding and racing, with approximately 8% and 1% respectively.Linking Words