The bar graph provides information about how many telephone calls which were divided into three categories were executed by Finland residents from 1995 to 2004.
, there was a considerable increase in the total calls taken by mobiles and national and international landlines, Linking Words
the figures for local remained the same after 19 years. Linking Words
In addition
, the numbers of mobile calls were consistently the lowest ones, Linking Words
those of regional calls were invariably the highest ones throughout the period.
At the beginning of the stage examined, 12 Linking Words
local calls were made by Finland people, followed by a steady rise to its peak at over 16 Use synonyms
in 2001 before experiencing a significant decline to exactly 12 million in 2004.
Use synonyms
, the number of domestic and worldwide calls was 6 Linking Words
in 1995, after which it continuously grew to 10 Use synonyms
Use synonyms
at the end
of the course. A similar change, but to a greater extent, can be seen in the data on mobile calls which was a marginal number in 1995 and fluctated slightly in the next 5 years to reach approximately 3 Linking Words
. In the later of the interval, it witnessed a sharp growth to get nearly 10 Use synonyms
calls.Use synonyms