Turning into an adult from a
Replace the word
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teenageReplace the word
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requires some stages
as building a character or creating
Correct article usage
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a Correct article usage
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Fix the agreement mistake
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perspectivesFix the agreement mistake
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. At
there comes a question to the minds: whether having
disagreementAdd an article
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with their families should be considered as a necessary of
maturingAdd an article
show examples
process for youngsters or
should be accepted negative thing and should be avoided. It can be easily stated that having a conflict is
keyAdd an article
show examples
element for
to their personal
since a disagreement may
incentiveCorrect your spelling
show examples
young ones to think deeper as long as
managesWrong verb form
show examples
professionally by their
, a basic disagreement may lead to strain on
relationshipFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, when
face a debate with their
, they are likely to
treatWrong verb form
show examples
as a
like their toddler times. Imagine
that Correct word choice
show examples
who wants to buy an
overpriceChange the verb form
show examples
game in order to show off his peers. If his family buy that game to make their
happier, the
will likely
to Fix the infinitive
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from his
in his adult
. But,
rejectVerb problem
show examples
to buy that game and support their son
toChange preposition
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saving his
withChange preposition
show examples
explaining the reason why they reject
to Change preposition
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can understand the value of saving
. In
way, that
may build a reasonable understanding
aboutChange preposition
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hisChange the word
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, having everything easily may result in
unsatisfactionReplace the word
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or even depression in their twenties.
, one should
be Verb problem
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rememberedWrong verb form
show examples
should focus
theirChange preposition
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of their
short termAdd a hyphen
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should be sensitive
rejecting their
demandFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Considering
may be fragile
their hormonal imbalance, they can easily
seenChange the verb form
show examples
emotionally far away from themselves.
feelReplace the word
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may lead to a sense of
and unsatisfied in their future
. It is because, if a
can not take enough care and love from their
, they can not construct
well balancedAdd a hyphen
show examples
, they may feel
in their whole
. To wrap up, one should
be Unnecessary verb
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keepingWrong verb form
show examples
mindsFix the agreement mistake
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not giving everything to the children is crucial in order to
raisingChange the verb
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reasonable adults, the method of rejection should be planned wisely to not hurt their feelings.
, when all the things
takenAdd a missing verb
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an Correct article usage
show examples
account a conflict should be
as an essential factor for raising a
, if
a Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
can take everything,
whatCorrect word choice
show examples
they want, with minimum effort, they are likely to suffer from depression in
theirChange the word
show examples
. With
the Correct article usage
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true communication methods,
should accept the importance of a conflict between
theyChange the pronoun
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and their
childFix the agreement mistake
show examples