It is often argued that teenagers should be permitted to execute remunerated tasks,
others disagree and think that
acts must be banned.
, though early involvement at
might hinder children from continuous academic development, in my opinion, it is more important for them to join the workforce and gain necessary life skills. I will elucidate both points of view,
my opinion, in the following paragraphs.
Allowing or pushing toddlers to join at a paid word should be illegal because a smooth progression of schooling years is important for them to secure a smart academic result, which eventually leads them towards a brighter
. In fact, many teenage offspring, who pause their schools and get involved in
, end up with a poorer grade than that of the regular students.
, these working adolescents could be barred from entering
education because some of their courses might be allowed only for regular students.
failure of
a Correct article usage
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continuous study might restrict
youngster from joining some companies where
an Correct article usage
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uninterrupted academic progression and a consistent smart grade are more valued than practical skills or experiences.
, in
sense, joining for
at the cost of a good academic journey has a negative impact on the working youth’s
, there is another popular view that teenagers can gain practical lessons on various technologies, trends, and
options when they decide to opt for paid
, rather than simply continuing with the theoretical school lessons.
involvement allows them to gauge market competition and learn other nuances of their target professional fields, which eventually help them to choose their future
options. In fact, the majority of the employees who perform better in their profession, are the ones who took a gap from study and decided to go for paid
in their teenage life.
, it is obvious that allowing infants to do paid
brings up an impressive
prospect for them.
In conclusion, though it comes at the cost of a smooth academic progression, joining
for Change preposition
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gives young children an incredible opportunity to perceive real-world scenarios.
why, weighing both options,
essay asserts that opting for
is a wiser decision for the juvenile because it helps them to gain a better
in the long run.