Environmental issues have taken a serious toll on
the Correct article usage
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public health and
overallCorrect article usage
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whileCorrect word choice
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do not take
interestCorrect article usage
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in these issues. There have been no pivotal steps taken to save the deteriorating condition of the environment and I opine with
fact that
have no concern over the increased pollution and have played their part in causing it.
with, environmental issues have increased over time and no person takes
matter seriously. Since 2001, the air pollution index has immensely increased and
majorCorrect article usage
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causeFix the agreement mistake
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the Correct article usage
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industries and combustible cars.
have bought more cars in the past years and there has been no limit or any exception made on buying any vehicle. It is evident that
have no idea how concerning
issue is and do not care much about it.
, the increasing population with
lackCorrect article usage
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of knowledge have a major impact on
whole situation. To fulfil the
populationChange noun form
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requirements cheap material things come
inChange preposition
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production and
huge demand
ofChange preposition
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comeChange the verb form
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with the behaviour of use and
throwWrong verb form
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the grounds and oceans.
, plastic takes around a thousand years to decompose and to add in, it has caused harm to both
the Correct article usage
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earthly and marine animals.
throw away the waste anywhere or even burn
themCorrect pronoun usage
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irrespective of its consequences.
In conclusion, there are
who do not give much importance to the environmental conditions and take no steps to save
itCorrect pronoun usage
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. I believe it is true that
are not intimidated
withChange preposition
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the concept of saving the environment and tend to be the cause of
destroyingReplace the word
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the planet.