The table and charts below give information on the police budget for 2017 and 2018 in one area of Britain.Yh table shows where the money come from and the charts show how it was distributed.

The table and charts below give information on the police budget for 2017 and 2018 in one area of Britain.Yh table shows where the money come from and the charts show how it was distributed.
The table compares three depictions of the police budget from 2017 to 2018;
, the pie graphs illustrate the proportion of how the money was spent throughout the year.
, it can be vividly seen that the total amount of all income increased
spending on local taxes experienced the biggest change. Meanwhile, the most money proportion was allocated to technology. To delve into more details, in 2017, there was a huge rise in Local taxes compared to the other two methods.
, the Britain police getting 175.5 million in the starting year, rose minimally to reach 117.8 in the next year.
On the other hand
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had only a small increase by 0.5 million in 2018. Turning to the pie charts, in the beginning, police spent the lowest money on technology with eight per cent. It,
, became 14% in the end. Even though salaries for the employees accounted for the biggest percentage (75%) of all the total expenditures, and decreased by one-tenth in 2018, the figure for accommodation remained stable at 17% during the given period.
Submitted by musa.nuwa on

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Vocabulary: The word "compares" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "proportion" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "increased" was used 2 times.
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