Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Online-delivered subjects offered by universities in recent times often replace conventional methods
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and in-person models. The issues of online courses are springing up and led a discord between scholars, not
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myself, and I assure you that the courses are devastating. Regarding the boredom that may occur during the
, a more creative approach is needed, and it would
Add a missing verb
be more
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energy-consuming than the offline one.
For example
who attend a
online, merely sit down for a long hour in a static circumstance. They cannot have direct interaction with other
and their teachers.
it is detrimental to the student's spirit, which would affect their performance. It occurs
due to
the failure of the environment to provide good stimulation to the
, a holistic approach is needed in order to
Verb problem
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these issues. The second respect that may be obstructive to the online-based
participants is the fact that the methods are more budget-consuming.
, teachers need an internet connection ,
as well as
, to communicate with each other and many
Correct your spelling
to conduct creative-based classes.
For instance
, the price of internet connection and bandwidth used for conducting the classes is likely springing
due to
the increasing demand, so it becomes less affordable.
, to bring the
in a more interactive way, there are many equipment needed to make it possible, which
needs a huge amount of cash. In conclusion, imposing an online-based course on a campus
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is still
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not a good way to deliver course materials. So ,
method needs to
be withhold
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be withheld
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until the readiness of all the
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is assured. It will prevent the failure in the fuse of
method widely.
Submitted by misstiasclassroom on

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introduction conclusion present
Ensure your introduction presents the topic accurately and your conclusion summarizes the main points effectively; both elements seemed underdeveloped in your response. Moving forward, create stronger opening and closing paragraphs to frame your essay more coherently.
supported main points
Develop your ideas more thoroughly by expanding on the explanations given. Use specific examples to support each point made. This will enrich the content of your essay and make your arguments more convincing.
complete response
It is crucial to fully address the prompt by clearly presenting your views on whether you see the development as positive or negative. Ensure that your response is explicit and that you cover all parts of the task.
clear comprehensive ideas
Strive to articulate your ideas with clarity and precision. Avoid ambiguity and ensure that your essay has a comprehensive flow of ideas. This includes using a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to express your thoughts effectively.
relevant specific examples
Incorporate relevant, specific examples to reinforce the points in your essay. This should be related to the question and should illustrate your arguments convincingly. Avoid general statements that do not add value to your response.
logical structure
Work on organizing your ideas in a more logical order to enhance the coherence and cohesion of your essay. Use cohesive devices to link ideas and paragraphs appropriately, ensuring an easy-to-follow structure and argument progression.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • flexibility
  • accessibility
  • tuition fees
  • commuting
  • accommodation
  • multimedia
  • interactive tools
  • enhance
  • cater to
  • face-to-face interaction
  • personalized attention
  • complex concepts
  • motivation
  • discipline
  • structure
  • extracurricular activities
  • networking
  • university experience
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