Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to let you know that currently I am enrolled in the "Python for Data Analysis" course and I want to withdraw my booking.
Let me explain my situation. Nowadays, I am super busy in a remote job there are a lot of commitments which I need to fulfil.
, I feel like if I continue to develop my Python knowledge I will neither learn it nor be able to achieve my goals. Linking Words
, it is relatively a low-priority task and its timing conflicts with meetings.
Linking Words
, would you kindly consider my program cancellation request? Linking Words
, I want to inquire about whether is there any course that your institute offers for SQL query performance. In fact, I will definitely enrol in 2nd quarter of Linking Words
year. Probably, Linking Words
will be a great addition to my skills Linking Words
are much in demand.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Haris KhanCorrect pronoun usage
Haris Khan