The table shows how five European states manage their household income on diets, housing, clothing, and entertainment.
, housing has become the first priority of France, Germany, and the UK when spending their monthly household income. Linking Words
, in Turkey and Spain, food and drink dominate the percentages. Linking Words
, the garment has become the least thing to spend in four out of five countries.
The highest spending on housing comes from the UK by 37%, Linking Words
Germany by 33%, and France by 31%. These three countries Linking Words
have the same similarity to other spending with priorities from food and drink, entertainment, and clothing. As the least preferred, clothing expenditure is only 11% for UK citizens 15% for Germans, and 7% for the French.
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On the contrary
, for Turkey and Spain, the proportion of dietary is the highest with respectively 36% and 31%, making housing their second biggest expense. Linking Words
clothing still became the lowest expenditure for Spanish with 8%, it is different for Turkish. In Turkey, entertainment constitutes 10% of the total percentage, making it the lowest-spending category.Linking Words