A noticeable lack of students opting for science subjects at universities is observed in various countries. What are the reasons and what are the effects on society?

There is a considerable reduction in university students choosing science subjects in many countries. As they are generally considered to be hard to study and their career options are relatively narrow, pupils may prefer to select other majors.
, the phenomenon will result in a shortage of scientists which will lead to a research gap and even influence social development.
, one of the reasons why youngsters tend to study other majors is because of the stereotype that science divisions require a higher intellectual level.
, studying scientific professions may be too difficult for some students
due to
the stereotype.
, their career options after graduation seem to be less than others. When they consider their future work paths, the limited job choices can be a vital factor which makes the field less appealing compared to promising ones like finance and media.
According to
the aforementioned, it can be apparently seen that the tendency is inevitable. At the other end of the spectrum, there will be a lack of scientists when relevant professions turn out to be the
selection for pupils and the situation will influence the progress in scientific areas. As its research has a vital role to play in developing public well-being
as healthcare and biology, the problem of insufficient professionals may significantly impact the human future.
For example
, the improvement of medical care takes a host of resources and efforts, which requires many experts to get involved. It can be a barrier without sufficient human resources.
, the consequence indeed will trigger some counterproductive outcomes.
To sum up
, the popularity of science majors dives since they are generally considered to be abstruse and have few job choices.
, the decreasing number of students will precipitate obstacles in research which will threaten the future path of human welfare.
, it takes society as a whole to figure out solutions to prevent the situation from getting worse.
Submitted by s99104032 on

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