In some countries
humanFix the agreement mistake
show examples
believe that the power of global connection in both trading and customs prospects
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
advantages for countries’ improvement. There are many downsides to
perspective, but in my experience, I totally agree
withChange preposition
show examples
it has had
a benefitsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
on commerce.
essay explains the positive and negative aspects
forChange preposition
show examples
buying and selling and
myChange the pronoun
show examples
strongly agree with them.
Nowadays, businessmen and employees in occupation
requireWrong verb form
show examples
to communicate
toChange preposition
show examples
clients, suppliers, and
accompanies in several countries around the globe. international links are significantly important to
a lot of new opportunities.
import-exportAdd an article
show examples
industry has led to
gain Verb problem
show examples
higher revenues in many overseas because Contacting
to Change preposition
show examples
various suppliers
makesVerb problem
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
entrepreneurFix the agreement mistake
show examples
have Unnecessary verb
show examples
negotiateChange the form of the verb
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power and they are likely to receive good quality products with lower costs;
, they can get higher margins and profits from selling.
, others feel that there are several drawbacks
fromChange preposition
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the worldwide contacts. They are quite conservative and difficult to accept the modern scheme.
, they believe that
interferingReplace the word
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from foreigners brings the loss of national identities
prospectFix the agreement mistake
show examples
,different beliefs and ethnics from other countries can change people’s way of thinking which
directVerb problem
show examples
to the merging of original nationality cultures.
In conclusion, In my experience, I totally agree that the key to success in trading and civilization is reporting and it
has a wide variety of
benefitFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for the
countryChange noun form
show examples
evolution and financial resources.