The pie chart indicates the yearly spending
onChange preposition
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UnitedCorrect article usage
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Kingdom in 2 decades. There are 5
which are mentioned here that what kind of stuff
wereChange the verb form
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used in
to better education.
During these two decades, the
spent the highest amount on teacher's salaries which was between 40% to 50%. In the year
of Change preposition
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1981, 15% of the expenditure was spent on furniture and
anotherCorrect quantifier usage
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equipment and after 10 years, it
was Unnecessary verb
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decreased by 5% and in 2001, their expenditure
was Unnecessary verb
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increased which was 23%. For that reason, they had to increase expenditure
inChange preposition
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insurance which was 8% in 2001
compared to the past it was increased by 6%. It can be seen that the supporting staff
who'sCorrect your spelling
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salaries were continuously decreased in the past 2 decades.
was spent on resources like books, 15% of
moneyAdd an article
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was spent in 1981 and after 10 years it
was Unnecessary verb
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increased by 5% after a decade compared to 1981,
aboveCorrect article usage
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percentageAdd an article
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moneyAdd an article
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was Unnecessary verb
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by nearly 50%(9%).
, it was good that
big amount
ofChange preposition
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the teacher's salaries
helpCorrect subject-verb agreement
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for Change preposition
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themselves and
Correct article usage
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studentFix the agreement mistake
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and increasing
spentCorrect article usage
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on furniture was
benefitReplace the word
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for the