The chart below gives information about total olympic participants as well as men and women olympic participants. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below gives information about total olympic participants as well as men and women olympic participants. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The given graphs illustrate the Olympic participants which are categorized by sex and the
numbers between 1924 and 2014. Generally, it can be seen that as the collective contributors rose, both men's and women’s participation
steadily climbed throughout the given period. Regarding the total number of Olympic members, it
started at just below 4000 before significantly growing to approximately 3000 in the third observed year. At
, it
grew and reached a peak at just above 10000 in the final year. In terms of participants divided by sex, men stood exactly at 3000 in 1924 and dramatically rose to almost twofold by the end of the observed period. Other than that, in the first year, women had an extremely low starting point, which was approximately 200. Afterwards, similar to the trend in the men’s category, it experienced an apparent increase to around tenfold in 1984 before proceeding to drastically skyrocket to just below 5000 in the final period.
Submitted by pink panther on

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