The scheme illustrates the process of producing instant noodles in the factory.
, the different materials are manufactured in 8 steps which start with flour, and by labels, the process ends.
In the beginning, the flour is moved to storage soils by a special machine. Linking Words
, Linking Words
material is delivered to Linking Words
where it is combined Add an article
a mixer
the mixer
water and oil, and rollers Change preposition
to dough sheets to be ready for dough strips. In the next stage, dough strips are converted to noodles discs. Following that, by oil cooking and drying are become cups. In the penultimate step, cups are prepared with vegetables and spices to be ready for labelling. Eventually, after 2 actions which are labelled and sealed, the final material be ready to get to the different shopping.
To put it in a nutshell, it can be seen that, Add a missing verb
are relocated
process contains 8 steps with mixed a lot of material for preparing instant noodles by manufacturing, and the diagram shows us the final produced material from flour converted to glass shape.Linking Words